I just updated my Curriculum Choices page, with our probable lineup for next school year. It looks pretty busy, now that I write it all down. But not all of it is to be done at the same time, especially in science and history. Some of the choices there are only a couple months long. I plan to give the kids a few weeks off when we finish this year's work (probably not until the end of June, since we will be taking off a week for VBS first). Then we'll just move on to next year's stuff. We plan to take some time off in September too, for my parents' 50th wedding anniversary (they are planning for us all to go to Disneyworld together!).
I'm not sure about P.E. for next year. My middle child said earlier that she didn't want to do gymnastics anymore, but then the next time I asked her, she did still! My oldest wants to take ballet, and my middle one kind of does too. So we'll just see how schedules and money goes.
I also just heard about a brand new music co-op that is starting up this fall, almost right down the street from us! I am really excited about that! The other music co-op in the area that I really liked is about a 45 minute drive away, one way. This one is almost the same in content, but so much closer (about a 10-15 minute drive, actually). So I will have to decide whether we can do that or not. It would take up all Friday morning, every week. I know I would love to do that much music, but I'm not sure about the kids. We'll see.
nice posting :)